Thursday, January 21, 2010


as white american females, it's fair to say that we get a bit of attention on the streets. walking anywhere will warrant kissing noises, vulgar comments, or just general "flattering" words. tonight we were walking back from the store and there was a 10ish year old boy with an adult. they were playing with a ball and they stopped to watch us pass. the older guy said to the younger kid as they stared at us shamelessly, "do you want to get a gringa? you have to study."

and that's why hondurans are staying in school.

Monday, January 11, 2010

blizzard in tegucigalpa?

today at school, kids and teachers alike came to school bundled up for a cold that one would've thought comparable to blizzards in the states. kids were bundled up with long sleeves under their uniforms, leggings, sweatshirts and coats, scarves, mittens, and ski caps.

why the fuss over the weather? because it's 65 degrees! crazy hondurans.

i'm not one to talk; i'm freezing. :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

back at it

today was pretty great. it was fun to be back with my kids. 7 were missing, likely because it's only a 2-day school week and parents are likely figuring on starting them up again on monday. we spent time talking about our christmas breaks. we talked a bit about the snow, and the kids were amazed with my (mostly made up) tales of the things i did in the snow. one of my little studs said in an extremely serious spanish voice, "it's always been one of my dreams to see the snow." his face was precious, and i really just wanted to take him to michigan for a bit. i showed them a drawing of a snowman becuase i was modeling what i wanted them to do. even though i made it very clear that i wanted to see what they did, i still wound up with about 15 snowmen drawn on papers. little liars. oh, and one little girl wrote that she went to el salvador, but she was very efficient in her translating and wrote that she went to "the salvador."

it's good to be back.