Saturday, September 5, 2009

my kiddos

i've taken better photos in my life, but this'll give you a start on some of my little kiddos. :) these are from the first day of school, and they were all confused and only speaking in spanish and not having any of my english... i'm not sure they knew what was going on. they don't look this confused all of the time. i'm going to take my camera back to school this week and get better pictures with all 22 of them, and also of my classroom.


  1. Hurray! Remember, the more pictures you post, the more time I can waste on the internet. A big plus.

  2. I LOOOVE pictures!! Hehe- I have favorite kids already, just from the pics. can't wait to hear stories. Hope none of 'em are giving you too much trouble! Have a good week this week, and we will catch up again soonish! I'm gonna be leavin my skype on!
