Wednesday, February 3, 2010

dead fish wednesdays

so i love wednesdays anyway, but today i stumbled upon something that makes them so much greater. today, my first graders played Dead Fish for the first (of MANY) time(s).

the 23 6- and 7-year-olds walked around the room, showing off their swishy/bubbly noises and rocking invisible fins. when i said "dead fish!" those 23 children dropped to the floor and were completely motionless and silent. it was unbelievable. and some of the positions these kids chose to drop in were hilarious! i had one little girl with her hands framing her open-eyed face. VERY risky move, those open eyes. but she lasted quite a long time. i had little boys piled on top of each other using their friends' arms as pillows. strangely enough, my most hyperactive and noisy kids were the best at the game. we will definitely be playing again. probably as soon as they come back from library.